
Education is not just confined to schools and higher learning facilities such as TAFE, University, or training facilities.

Eduction starts at home, as soon as we are able to understand our needs, such as asking for food as a baby or communicating our other needs.

Whether we are raised by our parents or go to child care, because our parents have to work, we learn that everyone is different and we have to adapt our needs and wants to other people’s ideas, needs and wants.

Should we be fortunate enough to be raised at home or are raised by relations or child care, these formative years are where we learn how fair or unfair life is.

Time, is generally the guiding factor as to how we formulate our relationships with family and others. We all have busy lives, but we generally do not have enough time for the most important people around us.

In these early years, children learn what they perceive as the way to survive and have their needs met. Many are not even able to achieve this.

Where children eventually get to school they have varying degrees of being able to cope and one of the most important attributes is being able to communicate with their peers so that they can feel they are being listened too, valued and accepted.

From the very beginning of their lives, children watch, absorb, and learn from everything around them, so this is the very basis of how they learn to behave as they progress in their lives.

Education is not just about learning all the skills we will need later in life, it starts with learning how to live as a human being so that children can be their own person.

I encourage my grandchildren to “ Have the freedom to be themselves”

This is a really important fundamental issue, but can only be achieved if we are also guided into being sensitive to the needs of others and what is acceptable and not acceptable.

We may have been fortunate enough to grow up in a loving household where our parents were able to guide us through the rights and wrongs and be able to have good communication in the family and talk about all the issues of their daily lives and how to handle them. But this does not appear to be the norm.

Schools can only do so much.

I propose that as soon as a child goes to any learning centre, from child care to university the core subjects should be, right through the school years:

  1. Relationships

  2. Dispute resolution

  3. Respect

  4. Communication

These subjects will define who we are and benefit both ourselves and the wider community and govern all aspects of our lives from personal relationships to how we interact with our work colleagues and the wider community.

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