
Wind Farm

It’s a matter of survival

Sustainability is the most important word for the future of the planet. Whether you live in a city or hamlet, the country or a village, if there is no plan for the long term sustainability of the area you live in, then the planet will not survive in a meaningful way.

Whether you believe in climate change or not, a sustainable planet should be the goal of every decision maker at all levels.

I suggest that every local council and all administrative bodies throughout the world have a sustainability plan.

What population will the area support in order to protect the environment and the liveability of the area being administered? This is an extremely important question and lies at the very heart of what is a sustainable planet.

Populated City

Healthy environment, healthy community

People choose to live where they do, because of the lifestyle the area offers. If this lifestyle changes, because of the pressure on the local environment, then the reason people migrated there will be lost. The health of the environment, both locally and world wide, reflects the health of the planet.

We must start the sustainability debate now and put in place plans to make sure we have a planet worth bringing future generations into.

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